Here are some essential tips for your trip to Germany that will ensure a smooth and efficient experience while helping you avoid common mistakes.
Having just returned from a transformative journey in Germany, I learned valuable tips, tricks, and hacks that would have been helpful to know beforehand, had I done thorough research.
However, life’s unexpected twists and turns often divert our attention at inconvenient moments. Consequently, I regrettably neglected to gather practical tips during my pursuit of a geographical cure.
Plus, I adore planning itineraries and overlooked the practical aspect of research.
But for you, readers, I have now compiled the ultimate list of tips for visiting Germany.
These are vital bits of information you should know before you step foot in the beautiful country and start dreaming of smoke beer, half-timbered UNESCO towns, and Mad King Ludwig’s romantic castles. They are quirky things that might disorient even the most seasoned traveler.

Tips and Things To Know Before Visiting Germany
Here’s my list of 21 essential tips for visiting Germany.
1. Cash Is Mandatory
In Germany, cash is king. This is the #1 rule for Germany. If you don’t have cash, you could be deprived of things like smoke beer. Or bratwurst. Or apple strudel. Or, even worse, espresso.
Seriously, you’d think Germany was in the Middle Ages and not a cutting edge nation, with its obsession with cash. Be sure to have plenty. Many small shops, cafes, taxis, and eateries disdain the credit card.
2. The WC Problem: You Can’t Pee for Free in Germany
Like most countries in Europe, Germany has a dearth of public bathrooms. And you can’t go to the loo unless you have cash. In particular, you have to have coins. It costs .50 or 1 euro to pee in Germany. Even at McDonalds!
If you arrive at some bucolic UNESCO destination and find a dearth of bathrooms when nature calls, don’t despair. Put “Tourist Information” in your cell GPS.
That will take you to probably the only public bathroom in town. Otherwise, you’ll have to make strategically timed stops at cafes, beer halls, or museums.
3. Driving In Germany Is Easy
Driving in Germany is pretty damn easy, especially compared to my recent geographical cures in other European countries like Portugal or Spain. The roads are good, people behave, and there aren’t any tolls or special permits/stickers required to drive.
You don’t even need an international drivers license. It’s the perfect place for a road trip through Bavaria or on the Romantic Road.
In Europe, the left lane is the “race car” lane. In Germany, you can be sure to see BMWs absolutely whizzing by as you drive conservatively in the right lane.
READ: Tips for renting a Car and Driving in Europe
But, alas, there are so many trucks and semis on the road in Germany, that you too may have to take to the race car lane to pass them. Don’t worry, just get back in the right lane as soon as you can.
Some highways have no speed limit. Others do. Be sure to watch for speed traps heading into small towns.
4. Parking in Germany
Parking is also relatively easy in Germany. Even when you drive into the adorable touristy towns, there are parking lots.
However, you may choose to park on the outskirts of town instead and walk in. This is generally my preferred method.
Either way, you usually have to pay for parking. Unless you’re in a seriously rural area. And what do you need? Usually cash.
If you’re in a garage, keep your ticket with you and pay at the kiosk station before getting in your car to leave. If you’re parking on the street, go the “automatic” parking stand. Put in your cash for X amount of time. Then take the ticket and display it in your car window.
Failure to do so will result in a parking ticket. I know, I got one in Augsburg.
The tricky thing is that you may think you’re parking in a perfectly legal area on the outskirts of town. But the street signs are in German. Use google translate to decipher them. I know, failure to do so got me another 15 euro parking ticket in Regensburg.
Take home lesson? It’s always safest to park in a lot, if you can.
5. German Parking Garages Are More Difficult
Be forewarned, European parking garages aren’t known for their roomy spaces. It’s always close quarters in the parking garage. And you will definitely need a compact car. If you have an SUV, forget it.
If you’ve rented an Air Bnb that includes parking, you’ll likely have an even tighter squeeze. I am routinely hour struck by the European Air Bnb garages I’ve parked in. I’ve even been stuck on claustrophobic “car elevators” twice.
If you’re using Air Bnb, know your spot will be tight and budget some time to get in and out of the damn garage. I’ve been traveling solo when confronted with this situation and was none too pleased.
It’s partly just lack of practice on my part. In my last Air Bnb in Nuremberg, I was puffed up with conceit when I squeezed into a tiny space on a car elevator without sweating or cursing.
6. Trains In Germany
A rail pass isn’t necessary unless you’re on a super long vacation or zipping from A to B to C on a daily basis. It’s rarely cheaper than point-to-point tickets.
The speedy ICE (Intercity Express) trains connect most major cities. The regional trains are cheaper and cover many destinations.
You can buy point-to-point train tickets right at the train station. But it can be smart to buy tickets online in advance for high speed ICE trains and popular destinations, especially if your dates are set. Plus, tickets are cheaper the further in advance you purchase them.
You can buy tickets online on the German website or at the train station. You must validate your ticket either before you board the train (using machines at the station entrance) or on the platform.

7. Pre-Booking Tickets
Germany isn’t as manic as Paris or Rome when it comes to the necessity of pre-booking tickets. But there are a few attractions and activities for which it is advisable to book in advance.
This is mainly at the popular museums and sites in the major cities. If you want to be prepared and skip any queues, here are some tickets that you really should pre-book or you may be disappointed:
- ticket to Neuschwanstein Castle
- day trip from Munich to Neuschwanstein Castle
- day trip from Munich to the Eagle’s Nest
- day trip from Munich to Rothenburg ob der Tauber
- ticket of the Pergamon Museum in Berlin
- ticket to the Alte Pinakothek
- Berlin’s Reichstag building
8. No Photos, Dear German Tourist
Good grief! What is it with Germany?
None of their castles or palaces will let you take pictures inside, even without a flash. And this policy is usually strictly enforced with chastising guards hovering in the most magnificent rooms.
The only glitzy place where snaps where allowed (that I visited) was the Residenz Museum in Munich, a museum which I highly recommend.
If you’re at Neuschwanstein Castle or the like, forget it. If you try to sneak in a snap on the sly, you’ll likely be scolded by a dour museum guard or your tour guide.
You can take pictures in art museums. And Munich, for example, is one of the best cities for art lovers in Europe. But you can’t photograph the interiors of Germany’s architectural landmarks. A puzzling dichotomy to me, and one which makes me cranky.

9. Cycling: Death in the Bike Lane
Nearly every town or city in Germany has bike lanes. Don’t walk in them or you risk getting run over.
Even if you’re not mindlessly strolling in a designated bike lane, you could still get run over. Stay alert, even in pedestrian zones.
Germans seem to take their cycling seriously. I saw them biking in rain or shine or cold. Mostly without helmets, I would note.
9. Sundays: Fugetaboutit in Germany
It’s also important to know that Germans take their Sundays seriously. Everything is closed. It’s stunningly quiet. Even in Germany’s big cities.
Don’t plan a shopping spree on Sunday. Don’t even plan to eat out that day necessarily, except in a tourist restaurant.
The only thing you can indisputably count on to be open on Sundays in Germany is the museums. They’re all closed Monday, but open on Sunday. So spend your Sundays museum hopping.
10. Germans Love Italian Food
Germans love Italian food. Well, who doesn’t really? But, still, I found it an interesting tip for Germany.
As a result, if you don’t want sausage, schnitzel, or stuffed onions, you have another option. In particular, Munich is known as the “northernmost Italian city.” And Munich has a plethora of great Italian restaurants. My favorite was Limoni, in a trendy neighborhood off the main squares.
11. Tipping? A Mystery
I honestly don’t know what to make of tipping in Germany. Is it included, a common practice, or does it vary in some peculiar way? All of the above, it seemed to me. I’ve read, after the fact, that 5-10% is expected.
At a few places, I asked if tip was included. I was told “no” and then got a shocked expression when I added the customary 15% US tip. It seems that “rounding up” is the better course of action.
12. Taxis Are Expensive
Taxis aren’t cheap in Germany. And taxi drivers seem over the moon excited about getting a tip.
Probably because most Germans and tourists use public transportation. I only took taxis in Munich, because my hotel was so off center and I was in a hurry and it was raining.
Be forewarned, if you take a taxi, you need cash. The ubiquitous four letter word of Germany.

13. The Wine’s Not That Bad in Germany
I know, I know, everybody goes to Germany to drink beer or attend Oktoberfest. I’m just not a beer drinker. And didn’t wear my Oktoberfest lederhosen when I was there.
But I was unexpectedly surprised by the wines. There were different, to be sure. But I always thought that Reislings were sweet and taught to be wary of them.
But they aren’t all sweet. Some are relatively dry and full of flavor.
I made this same assumption about Grunrventliner when I was in Vienna as well. I was likewise proven wrong. Full disclosure, Gruneventeliner is better than any German wine that I tasted.
14. Grocery Stores
Somer are better than others of course. None are as good as the open air markets. And some only take CASH.
I couldn’t believe that one grocery store I patronized had to seek out a manager when I tried to pay with my Visa card. I handed over my precious euros instead just to leave the store without further ado.
Also, you’ll have to bag your own groceries, as they come shooting at you lightening fast down the conveyer belt. And there is precious little counter space to do so. So hopefully, you’re not shopping for a week.
The other thing is that you have to supply your own bags. Or pay for them. Germany takes “being green” seriously.
15. Weird German Square Shaped Pillows
Just so you know, I know it seems trivial, but Germans use square shaped pillows. And they’re usually loosely stuffed.
I confronted them in my Air Bnbs.
They seem rather ungainly for the human head and have to be mushed up or folded into a retangular pillow. I confess to preferring the US’s rectangular version.
16. Weather: Temperature Swings in Germany
The weather in Germany is unpredictable. You can’t rely on it.
Most people visit between April and September or for the vaunted Christmas markets. I was there in October and was a bit taken aback by the “fall” weather.
It was incredibly chilly and rainy. And the rain didn’t let up. Then, boom, it was hot and sunny. The 30 degree temperature swings were a little disconcerting and made packing and clothing decisions more difficult.
Anyway, always wear layers and have a raincoat and umbrella on hand. I used my umbrella in Germany more than on any prior vacation, including visiting Paris in February.
17. Backpacks: You’ve Gotta Store Them In Germany
Germans think that backpacks are weapons.
Even my small PacSafe was viewed as dangerous. I’m not sure what the Germans are thinking? Will you smash your backpack into valuable art? Into another tourist?
Perhaps, but I got frowny disapproving looks even when I walked into a practically empty museum with one.
And an admonitory finger, pointing to the locker or “garde” room. And guess what? That locker will cost 1 euro too.
18. No Top Sheets On The Beds
This is an odd tip for Germany. But it’s best to know.
Like many European countries, Germans don’t use top sheets on their beds. There’s just a comforter. Why do I note this custom? Because I like it cold when I sleep and a comforter is usually too hot for me.
19. German Are Punctual
Germans are crazy punctual. This means you should always get to your tour, restaurant reservation, bus, or train early.
Otherwise, you’ll be mercilessly left behind. This is particularly true if you’re visiting Neuschwanstein Castle. If your ticket says 11:55 am, that is the one and only time you can enter.
There’s no buffer like in the US, where excuses like “there’s traffic” or “I’m running late” are so common. Personally, I really dislike lateness, so am simpatico with this German rule.
Consisted with their punctiliousness, Germans also have a bit of a frosty demeanor. They don’t do small talk. And don’t expect gushing customer service. Formal courtesy is more the norm.
20. Germans Love Sparkling Water
Another must know tips for visiting Germany concerns water. Yes, water. Be prepared. You’ll usually get sparkling water in Germany.
In fact, that may be all that’s on offer in a shop or cafe. 78% of German water consumption is of the sparkling variety.
And buying water in a store can be confusing. For example, “natural” water, which one might expect to be still, is actually fizzy. Even something labeled “extra still” will be mildly fizzy water. This is a bummer for people like my husband who despise fizzy water.
21. Speaking English
In the big cities, Germans will generally speak some English, especially in places serving tourists. But remember that you’re in a foreign country, so you shouldn’t automatically expect people to speak your language. Brush up on some basic German phrases.

Except at tourist restaurants, menus generally aren’t in English. Have google translate at the ready or be prepared to order something mysterious.
22. Ruhezeit
Germans have a tradition that may seem strange to the uninitiated, “Ruhezeit.” This refers to designated quiet hours when noise restrictions are in place to maintain a peaceful and undisturbed environment.
These quiet hours are typically observed in the evenings and on Sundays. During Ruhezeit, residents are expected to refrain from activities that could generate excessive noise or disturbance, such as loud music, construction work, using power tools, or engaging in boisterous social gatherings.
Visitors need to be mindful of these quiet hours and respect the local customs. This includes not being noisy in accommodation establishments and avoiding loud conversations in public spaces.
23. Germany Beer: Prost!
Having a cold beer in your hand is the norm in Germany. Drinking beer in Germany is deeply ingrained in the country’s culture and holds a special place in the hearts of many Germans.
The famous Reinheitsgebot, or Beer Purity Law, ensures that beer is made with only four ingredients: water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. With a wide range of beer styles available, such as Pilsner, Hefeweizen, Dunkel, Kölsch, and Märzen, each region often showcases its own distinct beer style and brewing traditions.
The beer-drinking experience in Germany is enhanced by the iconic beer gardens (Biergärten) and beer halls (Bierhallen).
Beer festivals like Oktoberfest and others throughout the year celebrate these fine brews. You’ll need to book in advance to visit Germany at that time.
>>> Click here to book a table for Oktoberfest 2023
I hope you’ve enjoyed my tips for visiting Germany. You may enjoy these other Germany travel guides and resources:
- Prettiest Towns in Germany
- Famous Landmarks in Germany
- 10 day Itinerary for Bavaria
- Guide To the Romantic Road
- Best Attractions on the Danube River
- 1 Day in Munich Itinerary
- 4 day Munich itinerary
- Best Things To Do in Nuremberg
- Guide To Regensburg
- Guide To Rothenburg ob der Tauber
If you want must know tips for your trip to Germany, pin it for later.
Thank you — most helpful. It’s the small cultural aspects that can be the most disorienting.